Home News Duterte to Communist Party of PH founder: For the first time, there will be a Leftist President

Duterte to Communist Party of PH founder: For the first time, there will be a Leftist President

Duterte to Communist Party of PH founder: For the first time, there will be a Leftist President
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte in online conversation with Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Ma. Sison, 25 April 2016. YOUTUBE SCREENGRAB

By: InterAksyon.com
May 1, 2016 9:56 AM

The online news portal of TV5

MANILA – Presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte told Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Ma. Sison in an online conversation that “for the first time, merong Leftist president.”

“Walang masama sa (There’s nothing wrong with being) Left…[If we are able to] raise the marginalized after six years, maligaya na ako (I’ll be happy),” he said, expressing the intention to stay chief executive for the entire term.

The video of the Skype conversation between Duterte and Sison was released by Exodus for Justice and Peace (EJP), which also facilitated the conversation after the release on 25 April 2016 of five police officers taken prisoners of war by communist rebels.

In the same conversation, Duterte said he would “follow the path of socialism. I’m a socialist. Though I am not a member of CPP, I belong to the Left.”

Duterte tried to establish his being Left, saying “Galit ako sa (I am angry at) oligarchs. They get the fat of the land. They allow exemptions to taxation…airplanes, tax-free…This cannot go on. I will promise you clean and fair government for everybody.

Sison approved and said Duterte as president can do many things, and realize his vision of good for all Filipinos.

The Davao City mayor has also committed to resuming the peace talks between the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) if he becomes the president.

He said that before he assumes office as president, he might visit Sison in Utrecht to discuss “the agenda.”