Prof. Jose Maria Sison was born on 8 February 1939 in the Philippines
He has been living for more than 23 years in Utrecht, The Netherlands. First as Utrecht University
research consultant since 1987, and then as a political refugee since 1988.
Yet, he is not allowed:

  1. to have permanent residence
  2. to have a living allowance or to have a job
  3. to have housing under his name
  4. to have regular health insurance as refugee
  5. to have social insurance and old age pension
  6. to travel freely outside of the country, particularly in Europe

Let Prof. Sison live a normal life!
Grant permanent residence!
Let him have basic human rights!
Grant permanent residence to Prof. Jose Maria Sison!

Joma Sison is a recognized political refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention,
specifically under its Article 1A.

He has lawfully and peacefully lived in The Netherlands for more than 23 years.

He has never committed any criminal act against the public order and national security of
the Dutch state or any other European state. The European Court of Justice has ruled that
he is not a terrorist and has removed him from the blacklist of the European Union.

Because of his staunch opposition to the Philippine government, his passport was
cancelled while visiting the Netherlands in 1988. Since then, he has been requesting the
Netherlands to grant him asylum and a residence permit.

Just like other long-time residents of the Netherlands, he should be granted a residence
permit. He must be granted his basic rights and fundamental freedoms. He must be
allowed to practice his profession as a political science teacher. He must be allowed to
contribute his best in the peace negotiations between the National Democratic Front of
the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

Please help us by contributing your voice, donating money or volunteering your
time. You can:,br>

  1. Sign the petition appealing to the Dutch government to grant Prof. Jose Maria
    Sison a residence permit. Visit
  2. Donate to the International Committee Defend to pay for the legal expenses,
    administrative costs and the holding of various public meetings. You can
    send your donations to:
    St. Rec. Oud Kath Kerk Ned
    Account number: 404573932
    IBAN NL35ABNA0404573932
  3. Volunteer time to the International Committee Defend, to gather signatures,
    collect donations, build up contacts and networks, and the like.

You can contact International Committee Defend at:
[email protected]