By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
7 August 2002

The 7-point press statement that I issued on August 6, 2002, with the title, The People’s All-out Resistance Will Defeat All-out War of the Enemy, is an analytical commentary as NDFP chief political consultant in order to show a dialectical chain of events that can ensue from the all-out war policy of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime.

To the careful reader, my press statement is clearly an analysis and is neither an order nor a call to action addressed to the New People’s Army or to other forces mentioned in all the seven points. Take note that I also cited the fact that the military and police of Ms. Macapagal are being emboldened to escalate human rights violations.

The NPA is bound by the decisions of a series of collective organs of leadership based in the Philippines. These include the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, its Military Commission and the levels of NPA command.

It is therefore inaccurate and erroneous for anyone to say that I have publicly issued an order or a call for the NPA to carry out certain tactical offensives, like hitting electrical transmission towers and lines. Those are well within the range of guerrilla tactics, whether I cite them or not.

It should be observed that long before the NPA can intensify the people’s war against the all-out war of Ms. Macapagal, her imperialist masters, the local exploiting classes, the military and police have already ruined the country and have inflicted incalculable suffering on the people.

In essence, what I have done in my previous statement is to call the attention of Ms Macapagal that she does not have a monopoly of actions in the ongoing civil war and that the CPP, NPA and NDFP and other forces can undertake actions to counter those of her military, police and paramilitary forces.

To make Ms Macapagal aware of the tactical offensives that the NPA is capable of carrying out nationwide, from a base of 128 guerrilla fronts, is to advise her to curb her appetite for all-out war against the revolutionary forces and the people.

The generals, like defense secretary Angelo Reyes, who are now prompting her to rave mad about all-out war, were the same ones who coached Estrada to grandstand about all-out war and to lay aside the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations. She should remember that they pushed him towards his perdition. Once more General Angelo Reyes is the albatross around the neck of Ms Macapagal,just like Mr. Estrada.#