Home News announcements Announcement: Sison reader series to be published

Announcement: Sison reader series to be published

Announcement: Sison reader series to be published


The International Network for Philippine Studies (INPS) and the People’s Resource for International Solidarity and Mass Mobilization (PRISM) announce their joint project to publish under the general title Sison Reader Series a total of 18 books under thematic titles of great significance in various disciplines of study. The series is intended to round up the best writings of Jose Maria Sison and consolidate his intellectual and literary legacy.

The thematic titles are as follows:

  1. On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (Philosophy)
  2. On the Great Communists
  3. Crisis of the World Capitalist System
  4. On the National Democratic Movement
  5. On National Industrialization and Economic Development
  6. On Culture, Literature and Art
  7. Education and the Second Propaganda Movement
  8. On the Labor Movement
  9. On the Peasant Movement and Land Reform
  10. On the Youth Movement
  11. On the Women’s Movement
  12. On the Communist Party of the Philippines
  13. On People’s War
  14. On the United Front
  15. On Peace Negotiations
  16. Tributes to Martyrs and Heroes
  17. Critique of Philippine Presidents
  18. On International Solidarity

The INPS shall continue to publish the volumes of Sison’s writings from period to period. In the press are now two volumes of his writings in 2018. These will be launched during the 6th International Assembly of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle on June 23, 2018.

The publication of the Sison Reader Series will start within the second half of 2019, even while Sison’s writings for the current year are being completed and collected for selection and publication in 2020. ###


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