Home Writings Articles & Speeches ARTICLES & SPEECHES, 1991 – 2000

ARTICLES & SPEECHES, 1991 – 2000


Imperialism, Fascisation and Fascism: An Overview
Contribution to the International Communist Seminar
Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman
Communist Party of the Philippines
Brussels, 2 – 4 May 2000

Advance the Poeople’s Resistance to Imperialist Globalization
November 28, 1999

The People’s Struggle Against War
Contribution to the Brussels Seminar On the Theme Imperialism Means War
Brussels, Belgium
1 May 1999

On 100 Years of Struggle Against US Imperialism
Address to the International Conference
Sponsored by the Congress of Teachers and Educators
For Nationalism and Democracy (CONTEND)

3 February 1999

Bankruptcy of Imperialist Globalization and Urgency of the Socialist Cause.
Speech at the Celebration of the 81st Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
November, 1998

The Fatal Course of Imperialism and Inevitability of Socialism.
Contribution to the International Conference on Alternatives to Globalization.
Tagaytay City, Philippines
9 November, 1998

Accelerated Destruction of Productive Forces.
Message of Solidarity to the People’s Conference Against Imperialist Globalization
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
21 November 1997

Message of Solidarity to the People’s Conference Against Imperialist Globalization
19 November 1996