Home Writings press statements Comment of Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the question of sincerity in GRP-NDFP negotiations

Comment of Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the question of sincerity in GRP-NDFP negotiations

Comment of Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the question of sincerity in GRP-NDFP negotiations

The NDFP is sincere in engaging in peace negotiations with the GRP in order to obtain comprehensive agreements on social, economic and political reforms to address the roots of the armed conflict and lay the basis for a just and lasting peace in accordance with The Hague Joint Declaration.

These reforms and consequent peace are for the benefit of the Filipino people, especially for the toiling masses of workers and peasants who are the most oppressed and exploited and who therefore support the armed revolution.

When the reactionaries in the GRP demand sincerity from the NDFP, they mean the NDFP and all the revolutionary forces to surrender to the oppressors and exploiters of the people, accept the terms of capitulation and pacification and betray the Filipino people and their revolution.

Together with their imperialist masters, the reactionaries demand the outright surrender of the revolutionary forces and people or surrender under the guise of a protracted and indefinite ceasefire long before any comprehensive agreement on social, economic and political reforms.

Their objective is merely to clear the way for deploying military forces and pseudo-development projects, spreading counterrevolutionary intrigue, committing massacres and terrorizing the people in communities suspected of being involved in the revolutionary movement.

While mocking at the NDFP and its revolutionary forces as being insincere in peace negotiations, the reactionaries even boast that they do not need the peace negotiations because they are already supposedly making ¨reforms¨ through pseudo-development projects and the revolutionary forces are any way surrendering and being killed in large numbers.

Thus, the reactionaries keep on interrupting, delaying and even repeatedly terminating the peace negotiations in a vain attempt to extort what they euphemistically call an ¨enabling environment¨; namely, the surrender or political suicide of the revolutionary movement under the guise of a protracted and indefinite ceasefire.

These reactionaries seem not to realize that they are the ones who are proving themselves insincere with regard to fulfilling the mutually agreed aim of the peace negotiations, which is to address the roots of the armed conflict through comprehensive agreements on social, economic and political reforms and lay the basis for a just and lasting peace.

The reactionaries seem to forget that the NDFP has disengaged from the peace negotiations whenever it is thoroughly convinced that a particular regime of the GRP has no interest whatsoever in the substantive agenda of social, economic and political reforms and uses the demand for a protracted and indefinite ceasefire to block the basic reforms needed and demanded by the people.

The reactionaries seem not to realize that they are the ones prodding and pushing the NDFP away from the peace negotiations and challenging the revolutionary forces and people to intensify the armed revolution in order to further strengthen themselves and seek further advances towards total victory in the people´s democratic revolution.

The national spread of the CPP, NPA, the revolutionary mass organizations and the local organs of power is already a wide base for isolating, weakening and defeating an already rotten and ceaselessly decaying semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system of big compradors, landlords and corrupt officials beholden to a US imperialism in its post-primacy period in the global arena. ###


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