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Comment on Duterte getting tired of his own corrupt regime

Comment on Duterte getting tired of his own corrupt regime

Comment on Duterte Getting Tired of His Own Corrupt Regime
By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
April 7, 2019

Duterte is trying to pull our legs. He is playing weak to spring a surprise attack. The point is to keep on struggling to oust him and make sure that he does not go beyond his term or pick his successor through chacha to bogus federalism.

He is obviously faking. How can he be tired of corruption. He and his family thrive on it. He is the top plunderer and is making money on everything, including shabu, casinos, pork barrel and the sell-out of sovereign rights to China.

He has gotten the plunderers out of prison,has put Arroyo back in power and has made so many of them senatorial candidates of his Hugpong ng mga Ulupong. These plunderers in the first place put him in power with their money and bailiwick votes in the 2016 elections.


Duterte: ‘I won’t be President for long. I’m tired’
By: Neil Arwin Mercado – Reporter / @NAMercadoINQ
INQUIRER.net / 11:55 AM April 07, 2019

MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte assured the public that he would step down once his term ends in June 2022.

“I will not be President for so long. This is my third year. It’s just in the wings and my end will come,” Duterte said Saturday during the National Federation of the Motorcycle Clubs of the Philippines’ annual national convention in Iloilo City.

“I don’t know if I will be able to survive the three years remaining but God willing, I assure everybody here that I will step down at the end of my term,” Duterte added.

Duterte added that he was “tired” and “exasperated by corruption,” revealing that he already planned stepping down twice before as president.

“As a matter of fact, I’m tired, really tired,” Duterte said.

“There was a time when I offered to step down before the military and the police in a conference and the second time. I was so exasperated by the corruption,” the President added.

Citing these reasons, Duterte reiterated that he had no intention of prolonging his days at his post.

“I do not have the choice of being a politician forever,” Duterte said. /cbb


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