Home Writings Messages Congratulations from Jose Maria Sison, CPP Founding Chairman, to Gabi Fechtner, MLPD Chairwoman, for first year in office

Congratulations from Jose Maria Sison, CPP Founding Chairman, to Gabi Fechtner, MLPD Chairwoman, for first year in office

Congratulations from Jose Maria Sison, CPP Founding Chairman, to Gabi Fechtner, MLPD Chairwoman, for  first year in office

From Jose Maria Sison
Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines:

I express warmest comradely greetings and congratulations to Gabi Fechtner for her first successful year as Chairwoman of the Central Committee of Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands, with the support of her predecessor Comrade Stefan Engel. I wish Comrade Gabi Fechtner and the MLPD to win ever greater victories in leading the German proletariat and people on the revolutionary road to socialism.



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