Home News Defend Joma against Duterte’s state terror

Defend Joma against Duterte’s state terror

Defend Joma against Duterte’s state terror


The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) strongly condemns the renewed threats against our Chairperson Emeritus Prof. Jose Ma. Sison.

The Dutch Police warned Prof. Sison that they received reports of new threats to his security and advised him to take precautionary measures. The Dutch authorities provided no details of the reported plot.

We in the ILPS view this matter with grave concern. Prof. Sison is well known for his internationalist contribution to the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles of oppressed peoples, including his dedicated and staunch leadership in the Philippine revolutionary struggle. He is a freedom fighter inspiring millions.

Prof. Sison has been living in exile in The Netherlands for more than 32 years and, despite being duly recognized as a political refugee by the Road van State in 1992, he was branded as a “terrorist” by the United States and by the Dutch government in 2002, charged falsely by the Manila government in 2007, arrested and detained in solitary confinement but was later acquitted and removed from the Dutch and European Union terrorist listing in 2009.

Several assassination attempts have been plotted upon him in 1999 and 2000 but were effectively foiled. Now comes a blood-thirsty Duterte regime who blatantly violates human rights in killing thousands, filing old charges against Prof. Sison and hundreds of social activists, and plotting anew against his life and liberty.

We will not let this pass. The ILPS calls on all those fighting for freedom and democracy to denounce this latest threat on Prof. Sison. We enjoin all people’s rights defenders to stand vigilant and thwart all threats and fascist attacks of the tyrannical US-Duterte regime.

We must make imperialism and Duterte’s state terror pay for their crimes. Defend Joma, fight for freedom!



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