Home Writings press statements Duterte and pro-US militarists are their own destabilizers

Duterte and pro-US militarists are their own destabilizers

Duterte and pro-US militarists are their own destabilizers

Statement of Prof. Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
July 4, 2018

Duterte and the pro-US militarists in the security cluster of his cabinet themselves are destabilizing their own regime by inflicting the worst forms of oppression and exploitation on the people and thereby rousing the broad masses of the people to fight them.

It is not true that the CPP has a three-year plan to oust Duterte by October 2018 since 2016. The militarists Lorenzana, Año and Esperon are obviously misrepresenting the 3-year plan of the CPP Central Committee to strengthen the CPP ideologically, politically and organizationally.

On the other hand, the pro-US militarists have always carried out an all-out war policy against the revolutionary movement and the people and have vainly used the peace negotiations as a way of demanding the surrender of the revolutionary forces and preventing comprehensive agreements on social, economic and political reforms to address the roots of the armed conflict.

In fact, the so-called October ouster plan of the CPP, NPA and NDFP is a mere fabrication of Duterte and his militarist adjutants to carry out a fascist coup against the 1987 constitution under the guise of pushing charter change for federalism. They want to use the CPP and NPA as scapegoats for imposing martial law nationwide and anti-terrorism so-called to suppress all critics, opponents and the broad masses of the people who oppose and fight Duterte´s reign of greed and terror.

The Duterte regime has destabilized itself by offending the people in the following horrible ways: mass murder of thousands in the fake war on drugs that benefits the Duterte-Peter Lim illegal drugs empire, the costly military operations under Oplan Kapayapaan, the rising prices of basic goods and services, the rampant corruption of Duterte relatives and favorites, gross disrespect for the religious belief of the Catholics and Christians and the traitorous sell-out of the Filipino people´s sovereign rights over the trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas resources under the West Philippine Sea in exchange for a few billions worth of overpriced infrastructure projects controlled by China.

The foregoing major crimes and venalities of the Duterte regime are only a part of a long list of gross offenses, which have been committed by the regime against the people and which have outraged them to mobilize themselves against the regime.

The ouster of the Duterte regime cannot be effected by the CPP and the NPA all by themselves. The Duterte regime is now on the path of being ousted by a broad united front of patriotic and democratic forces and a growing number of AFP and PNP officers and men who are disgusted by the regime´s use of the AFP and PNP for criminal purposes, thus criminalizing and corrupting them.

Most likely Duterte would be ousted by a combination of mass actions by the broad united front and the withdrawal of support from Duterte by AFP and PNP officers and men as in the ouster of Marcos and Estrada in 1986 and 2001.

In the meantime, Duterte is subject to control and manipulation by the pro-US militarists who are far more loyal to their imperialist masters in Washington than their commander-in-chief whom they behind his back make fun of as a clown and nut crazed by Fentanyl and power.

At any rate, I should rate as big liars Duterte, the militarists and the mouthpiece Roque when in one and the same moment they underestimate the strength of the NPA at 2000 to 4000 fighters and claim to have ¨neutralized¨ (captured and killed) more than 7000 NPA fighters and caused the surrender of more than 7000 NPA fighters.

In their imagination, they have wiped out the entire NPA by three times its supposed size and yet they express fear of being ousted from power by the NPA if only to justify martial law and fascist dictatorship ala Marcos. These militarist and fascist liars are caught lying with their own mouths in one and the same moment.###


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