Home Writings press statements Duterte is also acting like Trump

Duterte is also acting like Trump

Duterte is also acting like Trump

In the Philippines, Duterte is also acting like Trump and doing everything to bring together at one time the militarist Covid-19 controls, the brutality and corruption of his own regime and the Marcos fascist dictatorship, grabbing emergency powers, stealing hundreds of billions of pesos in the name of the Covid-19 crisis, depriving the people of food and livelihood, subjecting them to hunger and illnesses, railroading the bill for state terrorism and fascist dictatorship, ignoring the greatly worsened economic and political crisis and goading the entire people to wage all forms of resistance. The perfect storm to topple the ruling system is gathering fast in the Philippines due to the betrayal of the nation, brutality, unbridled greed and stupidity of the Duterte cabal, which includes his mistress, children, cronies, military junta and his servants in Congress and the Supreme Court.


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