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Duterte is really crazy

Duterte is really crazy

Duterte is really crazy. He wants to negotiate with his own shadow. So-called localized peace talks are an old discredited psywar tactic. The local peace and order councils and the military stage ¨peace” meetings in which military assets are misrepresented as NPA representatives or surrenderers and the captive audience is photographed and publicized as people turning against the NPA. This is a stupid waste of public money. It is a kind of racket, with the local political followers and military agents of Duterte pocketing the money for the fake surrenders.


Duterte to issue executive order on localized peace talks — Palace
By: Nestor Corrales – Reporter / @NCorralesINQ
INQUIRER.net / 07:42 PM July 12, 2018

President Rodrigo Duterte will soon issue an executive order to formalize the guidelines on “localized” peace talks, Malacañang said on Thursday.

Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said the president made an agreement on the issue during his meeting with his Cabinet security, peace, and justice clusters, and lawmakers on Wednesday night.

In a Palace briefing, Roque said, “Magkakaroon po ng executive order that will spell out the guidelines that were agreed upon yesterday.”

Roque explained that the government will allow local government officials to engage in localized peace talks.

The idea of having localized peace talks came after the president ordered the cancelation of the scheduled peace talks between the government and the communist rebels last June.


The guidelines on the localized peace talks include:

(1) It will be nationally orchestrated, centrally directed and locally supervised and implemented.

(2) The constitutional integrity and sovereignty will not be compromised.

(3) Complete and genuine resolution of the local armed conflict; it shall cover the NPAs, organs of political power and Militia ng Bayan.

(4) If there is a ceasefire, the constitutional mandate of the state to protect public safety, civilian welfare, critical infrastructure and private properties and the guarantee of rule of law and order will not be compromised at all times.

(5) Government goodwill, full amnesty package based on disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration to the mainstream of society.

(6) The necessary enabling environment set by the President for the formal local talks to proceed are local venue, no coalition government or power-sharing, no revolutionary taxes, extortion, arson and violent activities and the fighters to remain in their pre-designated encampment areas.

(7) The substantive agenda will be based on the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan and Philippine Development Program 2040. /vvp


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