Home Writings press statements Duterte needs the peace negotiations more than the revolutionary movement

Duterte needs the peace negotiations more than the revolutionary movement

Duterte needs the peace negotiations more than the revolutionary movement

By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
April 28, 2020

The Communist Party of the Philippines is entirely correct in pointing out and proving that Duterte’s declaration that his regime will no longer engage in peace talks with the NDFP is based on lies and is motivated by his desire and scheme to impose a full fascist dictatorship on the Filipino people by scapegoating the CPP and the NPA.

Duterte has never been interested in serious peace negotiations with the NDFP in the first place. He has always tried in vain to use the talks as a way of seeking the surrender of the revolutionary movement to his anti-national and anti-democratic regime instead of addressing the roots of the armed conflict through comprehensive agreements on social, economic and political reforms.

Duterte is mentally, politically and morally deranged. He needs the peace talks more than the revolutionary movement. He pretends not to know that his regime and the entire semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system are in rapidly worsening political and economic crisis because of the puppetry, brutality and corruption of his regime and the crisis of the world capitalist system, aggravated by the Covid-19.

By declaring that he is against peace talks, he makes it clear that he is scapegoating the revolutionary movement to advance his scheme of full-scale Marcos-type fascist dictatorship. Unwittingly, he makes it clear that the Filipino people and their revolutionary forces are justified to intensify their struggle for national liberation and democracy through the armed revolution.

Duterte himself has alerted the armed revolutionary movement in the countryside as well the legal democratic forces, the social activists and critics of the regime that he is in the process of using Covid-19 as a cover for advancing his scheme of fascist dictatorship. He is trying to cover up the success of his regime in plundering public funds and engaging in mass intimidation through brutal actions and its failure to provide necessary health measures and food assistance to the starving people.

It is of urgent necessity and importance for the broadest range of patriotic and progressive forces to unite against the regime and carry out all necessary measures to fight and remove it from power. This evil regime should not be allowed to go beyond 2022 so that it shall become possible for peace negotiations to be resumed. Duterte has made it utterly clear that while he is in power the people have no choice but to intensify the armed revolution.###


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