Home News Duterte to Joma Sison: Pity Norwegian gov’t, just kill yourself

Duterte to Joma Sison: Pity Norwegian gov’t, just kill yourself

Duterte to Joma Sison: Pity Norwegian gov’t, just kill yourself
TRIGGERED. President Rodrigo Duterte ups the hostile rhetoric against CPP founder Joma Sison. File photo from Malacañang

Pia Ranada @piaranada | Source: Rappler.com »
Published 10:11 PM, July 25, 2017 | Updated 10:11 PM, July 25, 2017

MANILA, Philippines – A visibly irritated President Rodrigo Duterte again ranted about Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Joma Sison, this time advising his former teacher to just kill himself to spare the Norwegian government additional expenses.

“Maawa ka naman sa Norwegian government. Magpakamatay ka na lang, ‘tanginang ‘yan,” said Duterte on Tuesday, July 25, during the turnover of assistance to kin of soldiers and police killed in Marawi. (Have pity on the Norwegian government. Just kill yourself, son of a bitch.)

The Norwegian government is the 3rd-party facilitator of the peace talks between the Philippine government and National Democratic Front (NDF), the negotiating arm of the CPP. It has footed the bill for airfare and other expenses of around 50 participants in the peace talks.

Duterte again claimed that Norway is also paying for Sison’s medical expenses, which are bound to rise because the communist leader supposedly has colon cancer, something Sison vehemently denies.

“Sison, tumanda ka na diyan, ayaw mo pa admitahin na may sakit ka,” said Duterte. (Sison, you’ve grown old there, you still don’t want to admit you’re sick.)

The ruling party in Norway, claimed the President, is bound to lose in upcoming elections over criticism that it is spending too much on sponsoring the peace talks.

“Kaya nga pinapaalis na kayo sa Norway. Alam mo ‘yung Norway, ‘yung partidong humahawak ng gobyerno, matatalo. Ang issue dahil sa gastos na pinatira ko kayo doon at ‘yung ospital mo, wala kang bayad-bayad,” said Duterte.

(That’s why Norway wants you out. You know in Norway, the party holding the government will lose. The issue is the expenses from your stay there and your hospital bills, which you don’t pay for.)

It was in his second State of the Nation Address that Duterte first alleged that Sison is suffering from colon cancer.

Days before, he announced putting an end to the peace talks after the New People’s Army exchanged gun shots with members of his Presidential Security Group in North Cotabato.

In his Tuesday speech, Duterte expressed regret for devoting his time and resources to talking with communists. He even joked that the NDF consultants should have been poisoned when they were served food during meetings in Malacañang.

“Kakausapin ko kayo nandito sa Malacañang first time, nakapasok kayo dito, ipinasyal ko pa kayo, naghanda pa ng pagkain diyan. Itong mga gago na ‘to, bakit hindi niyo nilason? Tapos na siguro ‘yung problema ko,” he said ruefully.

(I welcomed you here in Malacañang, for the first time you got to enter, I even toured you, food was prepared. You fools here, why didn’t you poison them? Then my problem would probably be over.) – Rappler.com


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