Home Writings press statements Full text: Prof. Jose Maria Sison’s riposte to Panelo on the false charge fabricated by the Duterte regime

Full text: Prof. Jose Maria Sison’s riposte to Panelo on the false charge fabricated by the Duterte regime

Full text: Prof. Jose Maria Sison’s riposte to Panelo on the false charge fabricated by the Duterte regime

By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant, September 6, 2019

The shyster Panelo who fixes the cases of his convicted clients by abusing political power cannot preach to me about appearing before any rotten court of the Duterte regime.

The charge against me is patently false. I was under maximum security detention in 1985 and as a prisoner I had no position in the CPP or NPA at the the time.

I have the right and reason to refuse surrendering myself to a tyrannical regime that fabricates false charges to persecute its critics and opponents.

As a recognized political refugee, I am well protected by the Geneva Refugee Convention and by the European Convention on Human Rights. There is no way for the Duterte regime to put its murderous hands on me.

Filipino compatriots and Dutch solidarity friends are also prepared against any attempt of the tyrannical Duterte regime to send a death squad and kill me in The Netherlands. We have been aware of the murder scheme since 2017.

Duterte and Panelo keep on boasting that they are successful at gaining reactionary power and taunting me that the Filipino people’s democratic revolution has not yet captured the presidential palace in Manila.

The crocodile Duterte and lizard Panelo cannot understand in their reptilian minds that the people’s democratic revolution
continues to grow and advance and that the people’s democratic government has already spread on a nationwide scale in the guerrilla fronts.

There are two governments in the Philippines (one is reactionary and the other is revolutionary) as a result of the Filipino people’s resistance to the persistent oppression and exploitation by US imperialism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism represented by the Duterte puppet regime.###


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