Home News ‘Duterte is out of his mind and is out of touch with reality’

‘Duterte is out of his mind and is out of touch with reality’

‘Duterte is out of his mind and is out of touch with reality’

JMS’ response to the news item ‘Duterte orders PNP chief: Wipe out NPA

‘Duterte is out of his mind and is out of touch with reality. He cannot finish off in five years an armed revolutionary movement deeply rooted among the toiling masses of workers and peasants who are fighting for national and social liberation against the big compradors and landlords represented now by him. He is crazed by power and Fentanyl. In the few months or years ahead, the Duterte regime is the one in danger of being overthrown by the people if it does not change its extremely brutal and malicious ways. Duterte should start to shake in his boots the moment he sees a broad united front building up against his rule and fascist acts.’


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