Home Sights & Sounds photos Jose Maria Sison talks and meets with Philippine presidents

Jose Maria Sison talks and meets with Philippine presidents

Jose Maria Sison talks and meets with Philippine presidents


Photo 1 President Cory Aquino and Jose Maria Sison congratulate and thank each other for the downfall of the fascist dictator Marcos when Sison was released from maximum military detention on March 5, 1986. Marcos and his Military Commissions failed to convict Sison on any of the charges of subversion and rebellion. They were liable for the violations of his human rights by being subjected to physical and psychological torture and for violating his constitutional rights to due process, trying him before military courts and not the civilian courts and charging him with two charges for the same offense in violation of his right against double jeopardy.
Photo 2 Sison meets Marcos soon after the former’s arrest on November 10, 1977. Marcos paid lip service to the need for national unity and reconciliation. But he ordered or permitted the torture of Sison. The evidence would be presented in the consolidated human rights case against the Marcos estate in the US. The victims of the human rights violation won their human right case and awarded compensation forB moral and material damages amounting to USD 2 billion. But so far they have been compensated only with paltry amounts from the Philippine reactionary government.
Photo 3 As chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, Sison talks by phone with President Ramos and they congratulate each other immediately after the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law by the GRP and NDFP Negotiating Panels in 1992. But Ramos failed to sign and approve the agreement himself despite the earlier success in forging The Hague Declaration of 1992 that established the framework for the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations.
Photo 4 Sison talks to his former Rodrigo Duterte and advises him in 2016. And Duterte expressed eagerness and promised to have a final peace agreement and coalition government with the NDFP, carry out basic social reforms and pursue a socialist program. He tried to hoodwink the NDFP and pursued all-out war policy against the Filipino people from the beginning to the of his term. From 2017 onwards, in the name of “anti-terrorism” and in accordance with US dikta, he issued a series of proclamations and railroaded legislation calculated to end permanently the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations.


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