Home Writings Articles & Speeches Lectures of Prof. Jose Maria Sison in Webinars of ND Online School of Anak-Bayan Europa

Lectures of Prof. Jose Maria Sison in Webinars of ND Online School of Anak-Bayan Europa

Lectures of Prof. Jose Maria Sison in Webinars of ND Online School of Anak-Bayan Europa

Complete list of the lectures of Jose Maria Sison under the auspices of the ND Online School of Anakbayan-Europa in 2020.

Series on Marxist-Leninist Classics

I. On the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism
Dialectical Materialism or click here to watch video
Historical Materialism
Political Economy
Scientific Socialism

II. On the classic Marxist-Leninist texts
Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx, Wage, Labor and Capital
Karl Marx, On Value, Price and Profit
Lenin, Tasks of the Youth Leagues
Lenin, What is to be Done
Lenin, State and Revolution

III. Engels series
Origin of the Family, Private Property and State
Part 1. Anti-Duhring — Philosophy
Part 2. Anti-Duhring — Political Economy
Part 3. Anti-Duhring — Socialism
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

IV. Mao series
On Practice and Contradiction
On the Correct Handling of Contradictions
Combat Liberalism
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

Series on the Philippines

I. Philippine Society and Revolution
Parts 1 & 2, The Philippines and Brief History of the Filipino People
Part 3, Three Basic Problems of the Filipino People or click here to view text
Part 4, People’s Democratic Revolution is the only solution or click here to view text

II. Culture and arts series
October 4 — Talks at the Yenan forum on literature and art
October 11 — Cultural imperialism in the Philippines
October 18 — On the Tasks of cadres in the cultural field
October 25 — Cultural work in the peasant sector

III. Eskwelahang masa
On the peasant movement
On the youth movement

IV. Tsikahan with Tito Jo
On the anti-terrorism bill
On Filipino-American friendship day
On the SONA 2020
On the question of peace under the fascist Duterte regime
On youth education
On Trotskyites and other slanderers
On red-tagging


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