Home News announcements Lipunan At Rebolusyong Pilipino November 21 at 4:42pm Reply • Report November 30, 2010

Lipunan At Rebolusyong Pilipino November 21 at 4:42pm Reply • Report November 30, 2010


Reference: Task Force LRP 40

Today, various organizations come together in commemorating the 40th day of the book Lipunan at Rebolusyong Pilipino (Philippine Society and Revolution). The book offers an incisive analysis of the history and society of the Philippines, offering means to achieve social change. For decades, this book served as an inspiration and guiding light for the youth to organize their ranks to call for reforms and later on to embrace higher forms of struggle for a better society.

The conditions back then where the country was suffering from all sorts of social ills brought about by neo-colonialism, pushed the youth to study about the society.

“It is this same book that inspired the youth of today to come up with an omnibus collection of 11 short films from 11 topics lifted from it, under the title: LRP 40: Mga Pelikula ng Pakikibaka,” says one of the films’ directors Sinag De Jesus.

“As direct and frank about the book LRP, we can expect the films to deliver plain and telling reality through different forms/genres – experimental, narratives, animations and music videos. In line with serving the masses, the proponents of the films believe that art must always favor a world-view that would advance the interests of the people. LRP 40 wants to achieve that type of art that is anchored in the struggle of the nation for genuine freedom,” he adds.

The proponents, progressive youth organizations such as Kabataang Artista Para sa Tunay na Kalayaan (KARATULA), Sine Patriyotiko (SIPAT), Anakbayan, League of Filipino Students (LFS), Student Christian Movement (SCMP), National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP), College Editors’ Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) and Institute for Nationalist Studies (INS) formed the LRP40 task force: a team composed of students, young professionals, out-of-school youth and activists to make this project possible. They agreed to put up the project in response to the call of the time to explore more means towards a liberating arts and culture.

The choice of material, takes into consideration that the book LRP, is a seminal book of our generation that contains analysis of the Phil society and its growing people’s movement for genuine freedom and democracy. For 40 years, activists of the National Democratic Movement served as a guiding light to its take on pertinent issues of the day, and the correct path to actions taken likewise.

The project is an urgent reply to the need for art and culture that is liberating, and not just confined to ride with what is popular and profitable. LRP 40: Mga Pelikula ng Pakikibaka, is real, and likewise, can offer to the viewer a clearer view of his social perimeters – a landscape of these basic social problems and issues such as landlessness, and human rights deprivation – and the solution to address these, admonishing the youth and viewers to undertake collective action.

LRP 40: Mga Pelikula ng Pakikibaka premieres on November 30, 2010, with 10am and 1pm screenings and a gala night screening at 7pm. Ticket reservations may be sent to [email protected].