Home Writings Messages Long live the revolutionary legacy of the great leader Kim Il Sung!

Long live the revolutionary legacy of the great leader Kim Il Sung!

Long live the revolutionary legacy of the great leader Kim Il Sung!

Issued by the Office of the Chairperson
International League of Peoples´ Struggle
July 8, 2018

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, convey our warmest and most cordial greetings of solidarity to Comrade Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and to the Korean people as we join in the commemoration of the 24th anniversary of the death of the great revolutionary leader President Kim Il Sung on July 8, 2018. On this occasion, it is but fitting to recall the great feats that President Kim Il Sung achieved in his lifetime for the Korean people and all progressive mankind.

President Kim Il Sung has bequeathed to us a glorious legacy of resolute struggle for national independence, democracy and socialism against Imperialism and all reaction. His revolutionary record of 70 years is a brilliant inspiration not only to the Korean people but also to all mankind.

Comrade Kim Il Sung led the Korean people in defeating Japanese imperialism in World War II. He again led the Korean people in warding off the aggression launched by US imperialism in the 1950-1953 Korean War.

He led the Korean Workers´ Party in founding the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). After the completion of the democratic revolution, he led and mobilized the Korean people in carrying out socialist revolution and construction.

Together with the Korean people, Comrade Il Sung made great strides in socialist revolution and construction despite the continuous aggression, economic blockade, threats and other forms of bullying carried out by US imperialism. These victories were won based on his Juche idea of self-reliance and faith in the revolutionary will and capacity of the Korean people.

Comrade Kim Il Sung was an outstanding proletarian internationalist. He supported the revolutionary struggles of the Cuban and Vietnamese peoples against US imperialism. He gave assistance to the national liberation struggles of the oppressed peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

He was a staunch supporter of the non-aligned movement that opposed the evils of neocolonialism and promoted the right of newly independent countries and oppressed peoples to self-determination and to an independent course of development.

We acknowledge Comrade Kim Il Sung’s historic efforts to reunify Korea on the basis of independence, peace and unity. Under his wise counsel, the DPRK signed with the ROK (Republic of Korea) the July 4, 1972 South-North Joint Communiqué that called for the peaceful unification of the country without outside interference.

Following Kim Il Sung’s example, DPRK President Jong-Il took the initiative in forging the October 4, 2007 Declaration by the two Koreas that called for close cooperation for the development of north-south relations, peace and prosperity in the Korean Peninsula.

These positive initiatives were developed further by Kim Jong-un resulting in the historic summit between the leaders of the two Koreas in April 17, 2018 that reaffirmed the spirit and principles of the two previous declarations for the peaceful reunification of the country.

We fully support the Korean people’s fervent desire for the peaceful reunification of their country without outside interference. We fully support their long-standing aspiration for independence, prosperity and progress.

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, express our deep respects to the eternal memory of President Kim Il Sung as a great leader and revolutionary fighter for national and social liberation. His revolutionary ideas and deeds are a shining beacon to the peoples of the world in their struggle against all forms of exploitation and oppression in their quest for a new and better world.

Long live the memory and legacy of Comrade Kim Il Sung!
Long live the struggle for national liberation, democracy and socialism!
Long live the international solidarity of peoples!


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