By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
March 6, 2019
Albayalde and his ilk continue to malign me as having identified the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) and other legal democratic organizations as “front” organizations of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
I am therefore reissuing my press statement of January 8, 2019 (attached hereto ) which frontally answered Albayalde the first time he made his lie against me and against patriotic and progressive mass organizations. It carries the following paragraphs:
“It is in the context of the anticommunist witch-hunt that PNP’s Albayalde tries to use my name for his vile purposes. I say categorically that Albayalde is a big liar. He is capitalizing on a distorted spy report on a 30-year old video of a speech of mine in Brussels in which I actually differentiate the legal democratic forces and the forces of the armed revolution.
I have never identified or enumerated any legal organization as a “front” or facade of the CPP. The language is entirely that of the un-intelligent or stupid witch-hunting police dog Albayalde. I have always referred with respect and accuracy to legal organizations adhering to the line of national independence and democracy as legal democratic formations independent of the CPP. “
The witch hunt being conducted by the political and military minions of Duterte against legal democratic organizations is calculated to intimidate them, their leaders and mass activists, prepare them for the kill by the Duterte death squads, prevent them from exercising their freedom of speech and assembly, discredit them and possibly outlaw them as “terrorist” organizations and disable them from expressing themselves during the electoral campaign period.
The anti-communist witch hunt against ACT and other legal democratic movements is part of the scheme of the Duterte terrorist regime to intimidate and discredit the forces of the opposition and make it appear that Duterte’s corrupt and high-spending candidates are real winners in the forthcoming May elections which are now increasingly emerging as characterized by fraud and terrorism by the agents of Duterte in the Comelec, the military and police.
The political life and fascist ambitions of Duterte depend on stealing the elections by fraud and terrorism in order to pack the Senate with enough puppets to railroad the charter change to a bogus kind of federalism in which powers are centralized in the hands of the fascist dictator who handpicks his regional and provincial subordinates from the narrow circles of the big compradors, landlords and corrupt bureaucrats.###
By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
January 8, 2019
The Duterte regime and its military and police minions have utterly failed to destroy the New People’s Army before the end of 2018 as they boastfully threatened in October 2017. They have not destroyed a single NPA guerrilla front. And they know that they cannot destroy the NPA before Duterte himself is out of power.
But Duterte and his armed minions have the antidemocratic and evil notion that they can complement their all-out war or make up for their failure to destroy the NPA by unleashing an anticommunist witch-hunt against teachers, lawyers, journalists, youth, women, social activists, human rights advocates, religious and other people whom they consider as open prey for state terrorism. They will find it more messy and scandalous to blacklist and murder members of the intelligentsia than the poor slum dwellers, peasants and indigenous people.
They are unleashing the anticommunist witch-hunt in connection with their threat to carry out the “Indonesian solution” by massacring communist suspects. They calculate maliciously that they can actually murder a number of urban-based critics and opponents of the Duterte regime in order to frighten the entire lot of the intelligentsia and other people in the cities to stop them from exposing and opposing the crimes of the regime and ills of the ruling system.
It is in the context of the anticommunist witch-hunt that PNP’s Albayalde tries to use my name for his vile purposes. I say categorically that Albayalde is a big liar. He is capitalizing on a distorted spy report on a 30-year old video of a speech of mine in Brussels in which I actually differentiate the legal democratic forces and the forces of the armed revolution.
I have never identified or enumerated any legal organization as a “front” or facade of the CPP. The language is entirely that of the un-intelligent or stupid witch-hunting police dog Albayalde. I have always referred with respect and accuracy to legal organizations adhering to the line of national independence and democracy as legal democratic formations independent of the CPP.
I never castigate a mere running dog alone. I hold his master Duterte most responsible for the current anti-communist witch hunt against teachers, lawyers, journalists, social activists, human rights advocates, religious and other people. He is a malicious rascal who has nothing to offer to the people but mass murder and mass intimidation in addition to his brazen acts of puppetry and treason, corruption and plunder, machismo and misogyny, foul language and mendacity.###