Home Writings Articles & Speeches On the international situation, COVID-19 pandemic and the people’s response

On the international situation, COVID-19 pandemic and the people’s response

On the international situation, COVID-19 pandemic and the people’s response

ILPS Chairman Emeritus Prof. Jose Maria Sison’s paper “ON THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION, COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THE PEOPLE’S RESPONSE” translated in Bahasa by Victor Yeimo from West Papua National Committee. Original Bahasa is posted and the English version of the paper is also available when you click the link.

(Ketua ILPS Emeritus makalah Prof. Jose Maria Sison “TENTANG SITUASI INTERNASIONAL, COVID-19 PANDEMIK DAN TANGGAPAN ORANG-ORANG” diterjemahkan dalam bahasa oleh Victor Yeimo dari Komite Nasional Papua Barat.)


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