Home Writings press statements On the separate statements of the GRP and NDFP teams

On the separate statements of the GRP and NDFP teams

On the separate statements of the GRP and NDFP teams

By Prof. Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
June 21, 2018

I advice the public and the press that they read and study carefully and compare critically the two separate statements issued by the GRP and NDFP teams after their talks from June 18 to 20. The NDFP stands its ground consistently, especially for peace negotiations in a neutral venue abroad and the validity of previous agreements since 1992.

The GRP side is inconsistent and self-contradictory. It seems to wish that the gains and agreements made in the back channel talks be preserved but it has informed the NDFP that Duterte will review everything (process and agreements) since decades ago in 3 months. It is highly probable that he would come up with more demands unacceptable to the NDFP or he would outrightly continue his unrevoked termination of the peace negotiations through Proclamation 360.

In fact, in the next three months, his military, police and paramilitary forces will intensify their offensives and of course the revolutionary forces have to defend themselves and launch their own offensives. There is no ceasefire in the next three months because Duterte wants to launch his military offensives first and find out the results.

It is the responsibilty of Duterte that he continues to terminate the peace negotiations, aggravates the armed conflict and shows no interest in peace negotiations unless these are a farce and under his control, surveillance and duress, with plenty of opportunities for him to poison or shoot to kill NDFP personnel anytime he wants at the venue that he dictates.

Duterte continues to kill the peace negotiations. While he does this, the NDFP can always stand for peace negotiations not necessarily with the Duterte regime of unbridled terror and greed. The broad united front of patriotic and progressive forces and the people´s war are advancing and can oust the Duterte regime in due time.###


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