Home Writings press statements One more stupid rant by Duterte against me

One more stupid rant by Duterte against me

One more stupid rant by Duterte against me

One More Stupid Rant by Duterte Against Me
by Prof. Jose Maria Sison

The Filipino people, especially the toiling masses of workers and peasants, wage armed revolution not because they are robots that can be ordered by any singe person or party but because they suffer intolerable oppression and exploitation by foreign and domestic exploiters and they rise up to liberate themselves and attain national and social liberation.

In his latest rant against me, Duterte expresses his low regard for the people as mere robots and thus insults them. He is grossly wrong to presume that the people are satisfied with their oppressed and exploited condition if not for the orders of a single person and authority.

More people are rising up more than ever before because of the tyranny and terrorism of the Duterte regime and the worsening social and economic conditions of underdevelopment, mass poverty, high rate of unemployment, low income and rising prices of basic goods and services.

The reactionary government is becoming more bankrupt than ever before because the Duterte regime is giving the highest priority in government spending to beefing up and boosting the military and police, bureaucratic corruption, outward profit remittances, debt service on the rising public debt and overpriced infrastructure projects.


Duterte likens Reds to robots that fight for a ‘bankrupt mind’ like Joma
By: Julius N. Leonen – Reporter / @JLeonenINQ
INQUIRER.net / 07:18 PM July 30, 2018

Communist rebels are like robots fighting for a “bankrupt mind” like Jose Maria Sison, President Rodrigo Duterte said on Monday.

In a speech at Port Irene in Sta, Ana, Cagayan, Duterte lambasted the New People’s Army (NPA) for “slaughtering your own countrymen” for decades.

The Chief Executive also chided the communist rebels for “starting to be arrogant again” and wanting war, insisting that they have “stymied the ambitions of the people.”

“You cannot even occupy a barangay. When you’re able to shoot somebody, kill civilians, kill soldiers, for nothing. For nothing! Not even an ideology. There is actually none at all. You’re fighting for a bankrupt mind,” Duterte said.

“Isang tao (referring to Sison) lang ang nag-iisip. There’s only one person using his godd*mn gray matter between his ear. Para kayong robot, kung ano ‘yung inuutos,” he stressed.

Duterte appealed to communist rebels to stop their activities, saying that they have to trust the government in developing viable places for businesses and establishing productive economic centers.

“I’m appealing to you, malakas ang NPA dito, ano naman makukuha ninyo? I mean Sison is there, you believe what is in his head. I listened to him and I believed him many years ago,” Duterte said.

“But you know there is always a time to reflect and review what we have in this life. Hindi madali ito. It’s not revolution. To revolutionize to develop, it ain’t really the way. It has to be evolution, dahan-dahan ‘yan,” he said. /vvp


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