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Program for Paaralang Bayan launching of the Jose Ma. Sison People’s Academy

Program for Paaralang Bayan launching of the Jose Ma. Sison People’s Academy

Program for Paaralang Bayan launching of the Jose Ma. Sison People’s Academy
9th February 2018, Palma Hall, University of the Philippines – Diliman

1530 Registration
1600-1610 Opening Cultural Performances: Panunumpa ng Kabataang Makabayan, Awit ng Rebolusyonaryo
Panday Sining
1610-1630 Discussion of the JMS People’s Academy Concept Paper
Nino Oliva, Anakbayan – PADEPA Committee
1630-1700 Discussion of The Significance of the First Quarter Storm
Kara Taggaoa, Spokesperson, League of Filipino Students
1700-1710 Opening Speech at the Launch of the JMS People’s Academy
Prof. Jose Ma. Sison
1710-1740 Open Forum Teleconference with Prof. Sison
1740-1750 Unification of the 2018 PADEPA Program
Vinz Simon, Anakbayan – PADEPA Committee
1750-1800 Closing Cultural Performances: Panunumpa ng Kabataang Makabayan
Master of Ceremonies: Menchani Tilendo

The Jose Maria Sison People’s Academy

Flow: Review of the international, national, and sectoral contexts; review of the task of the Rocke; the present trends that need rectification; the centrality of ideological and political education and the ensuing program for such a rectification

The world is beset by the worsening crisis of imperialism. The once-vaunted tenets of neoliberal economics and the supremacy of the United States in matters economic, financial, political, military, and cultural, is now challenged. With the fundamentals of the present iteration of capitalism terminally challenged, the ruling classes of both the developed industrialized societies, and their colonies and semi-colonies have steadily crept out of their rote measures of class rule. The emergence of many chauvinistic, racist, and fascist movements and regimes in countries that once espoused bourgeois liberalism is asymptomatic of the necessity of the ruling classes to impress their domination in the face of worsening crisis.

The semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of the Philippines, chronically locked in the crisis wrought by American imperialism and the indigenous ruling classes it sponsors, has entered a period of heightened economic exploitation and fascist exploitation where Duterte is both the herald and the vanguard. Duterte’s failed flirtation with revolutionary politics has unveiled his propensity for violence and criminality. To maintain hold on his power, and to ensure the exploitation of Filipino labor and natural resources, Duterte is quickly enforcing the dictatorship of his ruling clique, one which is subservient to the whims of American imperialism and helpless in the face of Chinese expansionism. The enforcement of Duterte’s dictatorship lies in the unwavering support of the armed and police forces, the militarization of civilian offices, the formal suppression of civil and political rights, the threat of and direct application of state violence to activists and ordinary people alike, and the bureaucratic corruption of government coffers.

The first two months of 2018 alone has been host to the intensification of neoliberal restructuring of the national economy and fascist oppression. The TRAIN Law and the sustained Martial Law in Mindanao are but the most overt examples of policies that ensure the poverty and suffering of the toiling Filipino. To serve the people, the ranks of the national democratic forces are firmly resolved in working for the undoing of the fascist US-Duterte regime and the dismantling of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Central to such a task is the prudent and systematic arousal, organization, and mobilization of the masses, where their ideological and political education is the backbone. Accordingly, the response of national democratic youth organizations is the inauguration of a mass education campaign that seeks to train youth and student leaders and revolutionize the masses.

The Jose Maria Sison People’s Academy will serve as a lynchpin of such a campaign. The Academy will be institutionalized as an alternative school that facilitates the development of the free and critical thought of its students. Through the multitude of means available to the National Democratic School (PADEPA), such as forums, alternative classes, and study circles among others, the People’s Academy will encapsulate the complied works of Professor Sison on the Youth and Culture. The Academy’s curriculum will be integrated in the existing progressive schools of national democratic youth organizations such as the Ma. PS De Leon and the Monico Atienza schools and will effectively function as the ideological countercurrent to the formal education found in scholastic institutions. Further, the Academy is seen also seen to enable NDMO chapters deliver prompt and more regular educational discussions to classes and legal and traditional organizations (LTOs).

Finally, to imbue a mass appeal to the Academy, means such as brochures, catalogs, and the encouragement of the creation of outputs among other creative solutions will be espoused.

Through the JMS People’s Academy, the mass movement hopes to overcome the error of empiricism, conservatism and elitism in theoretical study, parliamentarism and legalism, and the minimal number of formal political education. Subsequently, with an invigorated mass education campaign that serves the bulwark for the comprehensive AOM work, NDMOs seek to amass a potent and resilient mass movement that would work for the downfall of the US-Duterte regime and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system that it upholds.


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