Home News Sick and using Fentanyl, Duterte should yield to Leni —Joma Sison

Sick and using Fentanyl, Duterte should yield to Leni —Joma Sison

Sick and using Fentanyl, Duterte should yield to Leni —Joma Sison

Sick and using Fentanyl, Duterte should yield to Leni —Joma Sison
Published November 11, 2019 10:34pm

Jose Maria Sison on Monday night asked President Rodrigo Duterte to yield his office to Vice President Leni Robredo.

The founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines said Duterte’s illnesses and use of the potent opioid Fentanyl have take their toll on the Chief Executive.

“The illnesses and the use of Fentanyl, which Duterte himself has publicly admitted and which circumstances have also exposed more amply, have taken a toll on him physically and mentally,” Sison said in a statement.

“He has frequently taken long rests and the small amount of work that he has done is lucrative to himself and his criminal accomplices but is greatly detrimental to the people,” he added.

Sison made the remark after presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo announced that Duterte was going to take a three-day break.

He later corrected the announcement, saying Duterte will be continue to work albeit from his residence in his hometown Davao City.

“It is better for him to resign and yield his office to his vice president before he dies or continues to languish in bed with his euphoric Fentanyl,” Sison said.

“That might put a stop to his scheme of fascist dictatorship and the ongoing drive of militarization and fascization under EO 70,” he added.

Duterte’s Executive 70 institutionalizing localized peace talks or peace talks between the national and local government has been the subject of criticisms from the CPP-NDF.

Sison alleged that EO 70’s provisions weaponize civilians against the communist rebels.

“The EO limits the Philippine government to the framework of military suppression and psywar use of fake surrenders and fake encounters, misrepresented as localized peace talks. EO 70 seeks to weaponize the civil bureaucracy for the armed counterrevolution or military suppression of the revolutionary government and movement of the people,” Sison said in an earlier statement. —NB, GMA News


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