The paid commercial poll survey firms still credit Duterte with a high ¨approval¨ and ¨trust¨ rating by asking shallow questions from a random small number of normally diffident poll respondents. But when asked whether they like Duterte to impose martial law, an overwhelming number of poll respondents voice out their opposition to martial law. If asked whether they like rising taxes on basic goods and services and the resultant rising prices of these. they would certainly curse Duterte without any fear of the clean shirted poll surveyors.
In Marawi City, the broad masses of the people derisively call Duterte DUTI or poison in the local language for having proclaimed martial law and having brought death and destruction to them, to their homes and livelihood and for placing them in humiliation, hunger, disease and grave difficulties in flimsy refugee centers and in dread of never being able to return to their former homes and lots due to the re–designation of the city as a military reservation as in colonial times and due to the certainty that if there would be any rehabilitation fund or projects these would favor only a few corporate, dynastic and bureaucrat allies of Duterte.
Duterte, his armed minions and the US special forces are held responsible for the indiscriminate and wholesale aerial bombing and the artillery and mortar shelling which killed a large number of people, destroyed their homes and places of worship and caused their exodus as refugees. The broad masses of the people hold Duterte responsible for challenging the Maute group to attack Marawi following the earlier Duterte attack on Butig and for refusing to avail of the help of the traditional ruling clans and other honest third parties in negotiating peace and settling the armed conflict temporarily or in a lasting way.
But Duterte, Lorenzana and their US military advisors were hell-bent on applying the US military doctrine of destroying the city to save it from a small group of Mautes and Abus but overmagnified as a threat from a more imaginary than real Islamic State, already crushed by the combined forces of Russia and Syria in Iraq and Syria. Duterte propagandists misrepresent him as the victor in a war. But the Maranaos and Iranons consider him Duti and traitor, especially for claiming to be a Maranaw descendant. ###