Home Writings press statements Stay alert and militant on the more important issues

Stay alert and militant on the more important issues

Stay alert and militant on the more important issues

By Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
May 20, 2019

It is a matter of public interest to know the physical and mental health condition of Duterte, especially because he is known to be afflicted by chronic illnesses which he himself admits. But it is even of higher public interest for the broad masses of the people and all patriotic and progressive forces not to be distracted from the more urgent and more important issues.

The entire people need to stay alert and militant against the electoral rigging by the Duterte regime, the many crimes it has committed and the more crimes of tyranny, state terrorism and plunder it intends to commit in the course of imposing a fascist dictatorship on the people.

The Filipino people and other peoples abroad expect the Duterte regime to inflict further oppression and exploitation and are therefore desirous of the progress of the legal mass protests and the armed revolution for national freedom and democracy until the Duterte tyranny is extirpated.


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