Home Writings press statements This expose by Makabansa shows the self-interest and corruption of Duterte and his sidekick Bong Go

This expose by Makabansa shows the self-interest and corruption of Duterte and his sidekick Bong Go

This expose by Makabansa shows the self-interest and corruption of Duterte and his sidekick Bong Go

This expose by Makabansa shows the self-interest and corruption of Duterte and his sidekick Bong Go in imposing their greedy will on the proper bodies within the AFP in order to get their cuts from military purchase contracts with foreign suppliers. All is not well in the AFP under Duterte.


Defense Analyst: Bong Go is sabotaging AFP porjects in favor of China
Dec 6 2018

MAXDEFENSE: As early as 22 November 2018, MaxDefense already raised the alarm that someone of influence in the Duterte administration, is coercing the Technical Working Group (TWG) of an important AFP modernization project, and Senior leadership of a certain major service branch, to change its selected product in favor of another company being represented locally by his friend and campaign provider.

Also, last 28 November 2018, MaxDefense released a blog entry on the affected project, which we hoped will pre-empt any plan by Malacanang to proceed with disrupting the project.

MaxDefense was actually referring to the Philippines Air Force and the Technical Working Group of the Attack Helicopter acquisition project. In extension, MaxDefense also found out that this also applies to the TWG of the Combat Utility Helicopter acquisition project. Take note that MaxDefense reported before that the TWG for the Attack Helicopter project selected the Turkish-made T129 ATAK, while the Combat Utility Helicopter TWG is said to be in favor of either the Bell 412EPI or Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk.

It turns out that the local representative of Leonardo Helicopters was unhappy with the PAF AH TWG decision and asked his friend, who is a very very very close associate of Pres. Duterte, to do something about it, who in turn asked the TWG to change their selection of the T129 ATAK and instead pick the AgustaWestland AW109 armed light helicopter, similar to those already in service with the PAF.

Also, the administration may have already made a pact with the South Korean government and agreed for the PAF to acquire the Korean-made KUH-1 Surion helicopter, as the Koreans wanted to build the Surion helicopter’s export portfolio by starting with the Philippines. A sale to the PAF increases it’s chances of winning other export markets like Indonesia.

Apparently the PAF’s senior leaders headed by its commanding general, Lt.Gen. Galileo Kintanar, stood by the TWGs of both helicopter projects and insisted that the PAF’s decision be respected, being the end user of the products, and the one with technical expertise to determine which product is suitable for their needs.

MaxDefense received the information on the issue 2 weeks ago from a source in Malacanang, which was later on corroborated by sources in the defense department, since the issue was already turning sour against Lt.Gen. Kintanar for his decision to defend the TWGs, and that the plan was to replace him with WESTCOM commander Lt.Gen. Briguez, whose job will be to make the TWGs change their decisions in favor of the administration’s will.

Kintanar may already know his fate, and during the anniversary of the 15th Strike Wing last 26 November 2018, announced that the PAF selected the T129 ATAK attack helicopter, probably also as a pre-emptive move to allow the public to know the PAF’s stand

This is exactly the same case as what happened to the Philippine Navy last year, when its chief / Flag Officer in Command VAdm. Mercado was relieved for standing by the TWG of the Frigate acquisition project’s decision to insist on the selection they made. Then after removing Mercado, the government coerced the TWG including relieving its head as well, and was able to bend their decision in favor of Korean companies. Only this time, the government acted faster by not allowing Lt.Gen. Kintanar to take a stand and let the public know about the issues he is facing.

This move by this administration is an obvious act of bullying the AFP to submission and pushing for their self-interest instead of allowing them to decide for their own requirements based on their own technical requirements and for the greater good of our national security.

And in addition, this highly favors CHINA.


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