Home Writings Messages Unite, Take a Stand and Win against the Tyranny of Duterte: Message of Solidarity to the League of Filipino Students on the Occasion of its 41st Anniversary

Unite, Take a Stand and Win against the Tyranny of Duterte: Message of Solidarity to the League of Filipino Students on the Occasion of its 41st Anniversary

Unite, Take a Stand and Win against the Tyranny of Duterte: Message of Solidarity to the League of Filipino Students on the Occasion of its 41st Anniversary

September 11, 2018
By Prof. Jose Maria Sison

Fellow activists,

As founding chairman of Kabataang Makabayan and Chairperson of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle, I wish to convey warmest greetings of solidarity to the national leadership, chapters and general membership of the League of Filipino Students (LFS) on the occasion of its 41st founding anniversary.

I congratulate you for your accumulated and recent achievements in arousing, organizing and mobilizing the Filipino students throughout the Philippines in order to advance the struggle for national democracy against US imperialism and the local exploiting classes of big compradors and landlords. You are now called upon to fight and oust a cruel and corrupt regime that is aggravating the political and economic crisis of the ruling system and is inflicting intolerable suffering on the people.

I welcome and agree with the theme of your month-long celebration, Magkaisa, Manindigan, Magtagumpay: Kabataan, magkaisa´t manindigan laban sa diktadura! Isulong ang pambansa-demokratikong rebolusyon hanggang sa tagumpay. You must exert greater efforts to struggle against the escalating oppression and exploitation of the student masses and the people under the tyranny of Duterte.

We are confronted with a monster that must be ousted from power as soon as possible. This monster is engaged in mass murder with impunity with its mad scheme to establish a fascist dictatorship under the guise of effecting charter change to federalism. The people are suffering now from the soaring prices of basic goods and services because of the unbridled greed of the foreign monopolies, the big compradors, landlords and corrupt bureaucrats headed by Duterte.

You must participate in the broad united front and mass movement to bring millions of people to the streets on a nationwide scale in order to unite the people and cause the ouster of the tyrannical Duterte regime. The ouster of one more despicable ruler from the exploiting classes serves to weaken the entire ruling system and strengthen the revolutionary movement and its government based in the countryside.

I wish you to win greater victories in all your efforts to uphold, defend and promote the rights and welfare of the student masses and to advance the national and democratic rights and interests of the entire Filipino people so that they can enjoy a better life as soon as possible and look forward to a socialist future!

Mabuhay ang League of Filipino Students!
Mabuhay ang masang mag-aaral!
Mabuhay ang sambayanang Pilipino!


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