Home Writings press statements Why Duterte does not want inquiry<br> into the smuggling of Chinese vaccine

Why Duterte does not want inquiry
into the smuggling of Chinese vaccine

Why Duterte does not want inquiry<br> into the smuggling of Chinese vaccine

Comment by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant
January 5, 2021

Duterte does not want Congress to investigate the illegal use of the Chinese vaccine by his cabinet officials, the presidential security guards and the Chinese employees in Chinese-owned casinos and smuggling firms because he does not want the exposure of the smuggling of the vaccine by his cohorts in the Chinese criminal syndicates which are specialized in smuggling illegal drugs and other contraband.

Nevertheless, the Chinese vaccine (Sinovac or Sinopharm) is rated by world health authorities as only 50 per cent effective and extremely overpriced in comparison to other vaccines which are lower priced and yet are proven to be at least 90 per cent effective. In everything, Duterte a loves to act like a Mafia gangster chief, always favoring his own mob and failing to access promptly more effective and lower-priced vaccines for the benefit of the Filipino people



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