Crush the Revolution?
Poem by Jose Maria Sison
November 4, 2021
The fascists often threaten
To crush the revolution
By murdering more heroes
Of the people tempered
In the flames of the struggle.
How can they crush the armed movement
Of the people hateful of the monsters:
The imperialists, the big compradors,
The landlords, corrupt officials
And the butchers that they order?
How can they crush the revolution
Which is the people’s desire and hope
Against oppression and exploitation,
The lack of jobs and land,
Widespread poverty, hunger and inflation?
How can they crush the rising
Toiling masses, the women
And the youth with firmness and vigor
Joining the party of the revolution,
The Red army and the mass organizations?
How can they crush the secret meetings
In homes, yards and in the woods
That create the revolutionaries
At a rate far faster
Than the murder of martyrs?
How can they crush the widespread increase
Of the squads, platoons and companies
Of the people’s army, militia and Red Guards
Of the revolutionary mass organizations
Ever ready to give a blow to the enemy?
How can they crush the mass movement
Of the oppressed and exploited
Building their own government
In the countryside before they have the strength
To seize power in the cities?
The threat to crush the revolution
Through the terrorism of the state
Is sheer boasting by the monsters
Who actually inflame the revolution
Until it can crush the enemy in his last lair.