(Covering the period of 9 July 2011 to 9 March 2012 and arranged from the most recent to the earliest)


1. ILPS Clarification on the ILPS-ICOR Joint Call and Manifesto Against Nuclear Power Plants and Arms – 23 February 2012

2. ILPS Condmens Law Authorizing US Military to Arrest and Detain Civilians
Without Due Process – 3 January 2011

3. . ILPS Expresses Sympathy for Flood Victims in the Philippines and Praises the Work of Retrieval, Relief and Rehabilitation – 22 December 2011

4. ILPS Condemns Indonesian Military and Police Forces for Barbaric Attacks on the People of West Papua – 22 December 2011

5. Stop Harassing and Intimidating Peasants in Pangalengan (Inondesia) – 21 December 2011

6. Statement of International Solidarity with Migrante International – 14 December 2011

7. Intensify the People’s Struggles Against Imperialism to Address the Root Cause of Global Warming – 27 November 2011

8. We Unite to Fight Against Imperialism, Message of Solidarity to the Anti-Imperialist Conference in Dhaka – 27 November 2011

9. Demand Urgent Action on Global Warming and Climate Justice, and Start the Shutdown of Nuclear Plants on World Climate Day – 23 November 2011

10. ILPS Condemns Coordinated US Police Attacks, Urges the People to Intensify Fight – 17 November 2011

11. In Solidarity with the Egyptian People Against the US-Backed Military Regime – 11 November 2011

12. ILPS Condemns TPPA as US Scheme to Further Control Trans-Pacific Trade – 30 October 2011

13. Anti-People Neoliberal Dogma in G20 Summit Means Aggravation of Global Economic Crisis – 27 October 2011

14. US and NATO are Jubilant over the Spoils of War in Libya – 23 October 2011

15. ILPS Supports General Strike in Greece, Condemns Anti-People Austerity Measures – 21 October 2011

16. Resist Austerity Measures: Intensify the People’s Struggles Against Imperialism and Reaction – 11 October 2011

17. ILPS Calls for Global Action on October 15 Against Imperialist Plunder, Repression and War –
8 October 2011

18. UN International Day of Peace is Farcical and Hypocritical – 21 September 2011

19. Drop the Charges Against Political Activists in New Zealand – 20 September 2011

20. ILPS Calls for Worldwide Campaign: Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants – 19 September 2011

21. 9/11 is a Blowback on US Imperialism, Condemn Both Al Qaeda and US for Terrorism – ILPS Statement on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 – 10 September 2011

22. Stop Construction of Naval Base on Jeju Island – 10 September 2011

23, ILPS Supports the Kurdish People in Their Struggle for Self-Determination – 3 September 2011

24 . ILPS Condemns the US, NATO and Puppet Forces for their Barbaric Attacks on the People in Libya – 26 August 2011

25. Public Debt Crisis Worsens Global Depression and Further Inflames People’s Resistance – 22 August 2011
20. ILPS Condemns Bombing Attacks on Kurdish People and Demands that these Stop Immediately – 18 August 2011

26. Youth and Working People Rise Up Against the Ruling System in United Kingdom – 14 August 2011

27. Resist Threast from Nuclear Weapons and Power Plants (In Commemoration of the 66th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings) – 5 August 2011

28. ILPS Condemns Mass Killing in Norway, Conveys Most Heartfelt Condolences to Norwegian People – 24 July 2011


1. Letter to Kim Jpmg Un through Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World’s People – 16 February 2012

2. Message of Solidarity and Gratitude for the Launch of Selected Works – 13 February 2012

3. Letter to O Ryong Il, Secretary, Korean People’s Cpommittee for Solidarity with the World’s People – 9 February 2012

4. Message to Ka Mameng – 8 February 2012

5. Message in Honor of Amancio Samuel Villatoro, Martyr and Hero of the Proletariat and People – 30 January 2012

6. Message of Solidarity to Asia-Wide Campaign on the 15th Meeting on the 15th Meeting of its Campaign Coordinating Body – 27 January 2012

7. Message of Solidarity to Migrante Australia on the Occasion of its Second General Assembly
– 27 January 2012

8. ILPS Conveys Condolences to the Korean People over the Demise of Beloved Leader Kim Jong Il
– 20 December 2011

9. In Solidarity with Migrante International on its 6th Congress – 14 December 2011

10. Solidarity with PISTON on its 4th Congress – 10 November 2011

11. Message of Solidarity and Support on the occasion of the 5th National Congress of ANGLO-KMU
– 22 October 2011

12. Solidarity and Support for ANGLO-KMU on its 5th Congress – 22 October 2011
Tribute to Ka Roger – 10 October 2011

13. Message of Solidarity to the Workers World Party – 8 October 2011

14. Message of Solidarity to Comrades in the Struggle Against Imperialism and Reaction (Quito, Ecuador)
– 4 October 2011

15. Message of Greetings to Federation of Kurdish Associations in Germany (YEK-KOM): ILPS Supports the Kurdish People in their Just Struggle for National Self-Determination
– 3 September 2011

16. Fight for Land Reform, Justice and Freedom -24 July 2011


1. On Current Issues in the Philippines, Interview by Rio Mondelo, Europe Correspondent, Bulatlat – 3 February 2012

2. On US Imperialism and a Way Forward in the Philippines, Interview by Bill Fletcher, Jr. – 22 January 2012.

3. About the New People’s Ar,y and THPAL-SUMITOMO, Interview by Kenji Matsuura, Daily Manila Shimbun – 23 December 2011.

4. On the US Strategic Interests in the Philippines, Interview by John Toledo, Philippine Collegian, 24 November 2011