Comment by Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
The propaganda machineries of the Duterte and Marcos families. the bureaucratic agencies and military and police agencies spread fake news and disinformation not only in the social media but also in the commercial print and broadcast media.
The commercial print and broadcast media disseminate every day verbatim the propaganda feeds of the government Philippine News Agency, PCOO and the military and police agencies that entire units of the New People’s Army are either being killed, surrendering, being absorbed by military-organized community projects or being driven away by persona non grata proclamations by local governments.
If you tabulate the number of NPA units being finished off every day since 2017, the entire NPA nationwide would have been decimated several times (at least 10 times) over the total AFP-estimated NPA maximum strength of 4000. If that were true, why the need for Duterte’s law of state terrorism and the colossal amounts of appropriation of public funds for the NTF-ELCAC, OPAPP, military, police, intelligence and other related rackets.
To belie the false claims of their detractors, the NPA units all over the country in more than 110 guerrilla fronts are being challenged to intensify their offensives not only to prove their existence but to inspire the entire Filipino people to oust the traitor, tyrant, butcher, plunderer and prevaricator Duterte.