Home News “The CPP has issued statements exposing and condemning HR violations under the GRP all-out war policy and now martial law proclamation to justify the CPP order to intensify offensives.” — Prof. Jose Maria Sison

“The CPP has issued statements exposing and condemning HR violations under the GRP all-out war policy and now martial law proclamation to justify the CPP order to intensify offensives.” — Prof. Jose Maria Sison

“Ahead of any CPP action on the NDFP negoiating panel recommendation to reconsider CPP order to intensify offensives against martial law proclamation, the GRP must first explain the following:

1.why its all-out war policy against the CPP, NPA and NDFP despite previous unilateral ceasefire declarations and the peace talks?

2. And now why should there be martial law against them and the people, despite shallow denial by GRP negotiating panel?

The CPP has issued statements exposing and condemning HR violations under the GRP all-out war policy and now martial law proclamation to justify the CPP order to intensify offensives.”
— Prof. Jose Maria Sison