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Cases in the Netherlands Arising from “Terrorist” Listing and Sanctions, 2002 onwards

  1. Letter of Dundar Gursus on the claims to material damages, 20 July 2007
  2. Letter of Ruud Vleugel to Jose Maria Sison regarding complaints filed on his behalf
    against the decisions of the SVB on the termination of the pension and of the Ministry
    of Finance on the request to withdraw from the frozen assets, 6 March 2007

    Click here for Dutch version in PDF format
  3. Letter of Ruud Vleugel to Jose Maria Sison regarding the Decisions of the SVB
    and the Ministry of Finance on the complaint against the termination of the
    pension and the request to withdraw from the frozen assets, respectively
    31 January 2007

    Click here for Dutch version in PDF format
  4. Letter of the Ministry of Finance to the Legal Counsel of Jose Maria Sison
    on the authorization to withdraw from the frozen assests 29 January 2007

    Click here for Dutch version in PDF format
  5. Decision of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) on the Complaint of Jose Maria Sison
    on the termination of payments of the allotted pension on the basis of the General
    Old Age Law, 29 January 2007

    Click here for Dutch version in PDF format
  6. Letter Terminating Social Benefits for Prof. Sison, 12 September 2003
  7. Utrecht Court Ruling on Provisional Measures, 15 July 2003
  8. ACIL Advisory Opinion on the Applicability of Dutch Law, the ECHR and the ICCPR on Infringements on Privacy, Honour and Reputation: 8 July, 2003
  9. Plea to the Utrecht Court by Hans Langenberg, 1 July 2003
  10. Prof. Jose Maria Sison’s Statement to the Court, 1 July 2003
  11. Position of Finance Minister At Utrecht Court Hearing, 1 July 2003
  12. Letter of Central Organ for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) to Prof. Jose Maria Sison, 23 May 2003
  13. Letter from the Ministry of Finance to the Municipality of Utrecht regarding request for authorization re European sanctions in connection with terrorism, 7 March 2003
  14. Court decision in Den Haag on the appeal of J.M. Sison against the decision denying him a permit to work, (Jose Maria Sison vs. Minister on Aliens Affairs and Integration and the Secretary of Justice), 28 November 2002
  15. Report from the Ministry Of Finances Directorate-General For Fiscal Matters on Restrictive Measures With The View Of The Fight Against Terrorism, 5 November 2002
  16. Langenberg Appeal Against the Sanctieregeling Terrorisme 2002 III, 26 September 2002
  17. Decisions of Foreign Ministry, Finance Ministry and COA, 13 August 2002
  18. Socialist Party Of The Netherlands Raises Questions In Dutch Parliament, 13 August 2002

Case Against IND re Application for Work, 1998-2002

  1. Decision of The Hague District Court, 28 November 2002
  2. Pleadings of Dundar and IND Counterpleading in the Rotterdam Hearings
  3. Long Argument by Robert van As to the Rotterdam Court
  4. Negative Decision of IND
  5. Administrative case leading to the court case

REK Decision on Asylum Case, 1997

  1. Fortress Europe Circular Letter (FECL) No.56 by Jack Rodgers, December 1998
  2. Annotations of Prof. Mr. P. BOELES on REK Decision on the Sison case, 17 November 1997
  3. Note of Prof. Mr. B.P. Vermeulen on the REK Decision of 11 September 1997
  4. REK Decision on the Asylum Case, 11 September 1997 (Dutch)
  5. Argument of Robert van As
  6. 1996 Negative Decision of Justice Ministry
  7. Prof. Sison’s Press Statements against 1996 decision of Justice Ministry.

Raad van State Decision on Asylum Case, 1995

  1. Raad van State Decision, 21 February 1995 (English / Dutch)
  2. Argument of Robert van As
  3. 1993 Negative Decision of Justice Ministry
  4. Fortress Europe Circular Letter No. 47, by Nicholas Busch, Editor, October 1996
  5. JMS Press Statements Against the 1993 Negative Decision of Justice Ministry

Raad van State Decision, 1992

  1. Raad van State Decision of 17 December 1992 (English / Dutch)
  2. Argument of Tom Boekman
  3. 1990 Negative Decision of Justice Ministry
  4. ANNEX 1-E: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL “On the Application for Political Asylum of Prof. Jose Maria Sison” by Mr. J.C.E. Hoftijzer, Refugees Department, 17 October 1990
  5. Opinion of Ter Kuile (Dutch)
  6. UNHCR position on Prof. Sison’s Asylum Application, 25 Feb. 1991 & 28 Oct. 1992 (English / Dutch)
  7. JMS Press Statements Against the 1990 Negative Decision.